Conversion and Implementation Services

The following are the typical steps in implementing Raiser’s Edge NXT at all organizations converting from another database, though the complexity of each conversion and implementation are dramatically affected by the size and sophistication of each organization. Bill’s services generally are used for a combination of (1) leadership and guidance to organizations’ staffs as they work through these steps and (2) doing the work with and for the organizations to drive the process through to successful completion.

(For those upgrading from Raiser’s Edge 7 to Raiser’s Edge NXT, this process is different — contact Bill for more information on that much simpler process.)

  • Assessment, review, and project plan, including project and change management
  • Software preparation
  • Implementation team training in preparation for the implementation process
  • Former database conversion mapping to Raiser’s Edge (identifying how data from the source system should be converted to Raiser’s Edge) and creation of pre- and post-conversion cleanup lists and processes
  • Critical process development for data entry and data output, such as:
    • Campaign, fund, and appeal structure
    • Constituent entry and management
    • Gift entry and acknowledgement
    • Solicitation, newsletter, invitation, and other mailings and emails
    • Development, financial, and executive reporting
    • Design specifications for custom reports, customizations, and integrations
  • Conversion mapping finalization
  • Trial and final conversion testing
  • Database setup
    • Security
    • Configuration (Tables, Custom Fields, Business Rules, Settings, etc.)
  • Full staff training
  • Assistance with go-live
  • Implementation of post-go-live activities
    • Post-conversion cleanup
    • Additional uses of software, such as major gifts, events, volunteers and online activity

“Thanks for all the great help. It’s the missing piece to a puzzle and I’m excited to get working (with my new “smarts”) on the projects we’ve had on hold that will now benefit not only our organization but also our donors.

“Your training style was exactly what was need and you made everything clear and understandable.”

Donation Processing Manager
Organization Serving the Homeless, Northern California

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