Frequently Asked Questions about Bill

If you don’t find the answers you need below, please reach out and Bill will get back to you as soon as he can, usually within 24 hours.

What is the "CFRE" after your name?

CFRE is an acronym for Certified Fundraising Executive and is “the only internationally-recognised baseline professional credential for philanthropic fundraising executives” ( Earning this credential required at least five years of experience as a fundraiser, completion and acceptance of an extensive application, and passing a rigorous test on fundraising practices and principles.  It then requires re-certification every three years.

What is the "bCRE-Pro" after your name?

bCRE is the acronym for Blackbaud Certified in Raiser’s Edge, Blackbaud’s certification program for Raiser’s Edge. I was one of the first in the country to be certified bCRE-Professional, the highest certification level currently available.

What is your relationship to Blackbaud?

I have no “official” relationship with Blackbaud. I am an independent consultant. I resigned from Blackbaud after 7 exciting and positive years as an employee and contractor in June 2005 on the best of terms. I continue a very good relationship with Blackbaud and its employees on behalf of my clients, perhaps best evidenced by Blackbaud’s support of my book, my continued presentations at Blackbaud’s annual conferences, and the 2021 Raiser’s Edge Security webinar series on which we partnered.

“We are so pleased with all the help and guidance you’ve offered, Bill. You’ve made this all a very positive experience for our entire staff.”

Development & Membership Manager
Museum, San Francisco Bay Area

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