Frequently Asked Questions about Bill’s Services

If you don’t find the answers you need below, please reach out and Bill will get back to you as soon as he can, usually within 24 hours.

Do you offer consulting or training on any fundraising databases other than Raiser's Edge?

Mostly, no. I believe Raiser’s Edge, both Raiser’s Edge NXT and Raiser’s Edge version 7, are sophisticated database programs with extensive functionality and nuances.  This is true especially when one considers the reach of all the additional modules available, including major gifts, event management, membership, and volunteer management. I want to provide the most knowledgeable, most experienced, most capable consulting possible on Raiser’s Edge.  I believe to do this requires complete focus on this single product. There are a number of general and important fundraising database practices that are not unique to Raiser’s Edge that I can assist any organization with–such as staffing, coding, and technical support issues–and I would be happy to talk to you about assistance in these areas.

Do you provide consulting on other Blackbaud products besides Raiser's Edge?

Mostly, no. Again, I believe Raiser’s Edge is such an extensive program that to provide the best available consulting on this product requires complete focus on this single product. Blackbaud’s other product families are similarly extensive and deserve their own single-minded focus by others. However, I have and continue to provide consulting on integrating Raiser’s Edge with Blackbaud’s Financial EdgeTM nonprofit accounting software. This includes not just the technical linkage of the two products but also an understanding of the fundraising and financial concepts necessary to facilitate a discussion between the development/advancement/fundraising and accounting/finance/business offices of organizations. I also have extensive experience helping schools share data from the Blackbaud Student Information Management System with Raiser’s Edge.

Do you provide consulting to help organizations select and buy fundraising software?

No and yes. Given my intimate knowledge and association with Raiser’s Edge, I understand that organizations may wish to use other consultants who make database selection their primary focus and are more broadly versed in the available products than I am. However, for organizations that are considering purchasing Raiser’s Edge NXT, I can provide valuable and potentially money-saving services. Please see the Consulting and Training page of my website for more information.

Do you provide consulting on other fundraising technology products and services, such as web, email and event software, services and fundraising approaches?

I do provide consulting on the email, online donation, and event registration components included with Raiser’s Edge NXT and with Online Express. I also assist clients with Blackbaud’s peer-to-peer fundraising solution that integrates with RE NXT. And I assist clients with integrations between third-party online products that provide these and other functions. I stay abreast of industry trends and happenings, especially as they relate to fundraising databases in general and Raiser’s Edge in particular, but I focus my efforts and expertise on providing the best possible consulting on Raiser’s Edge and encourage you to consult with others for assistance with other online tools and needs.

“Thanks for the encouragement. When I looked at everything that realistically needed to be done regarding cleanup and written procedures, it was daunting. However, through your training and continuing help, we are definitely seeing some light at the end of the tunnel and I don’t feel like the train is chasing me through it – at least not every day!!! …

“Yesterday, utilizing the notes you prepared on recurring gifts, we worked on some issues… Your notes allowed us to think through the entire process regarding these folks and, wow, was it effective!

“Your training is the gift that keeps on giving!!!

“You, your talent, knowledge, and thoroughness are much appreciated!!!”

Deputy Director of Development
Boys School, Northern California

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